Amy Lee Recalls Bursting Into Tears When Losing Kurt Cobain

Amy Lee

Amy Lee recently talked to The Telegraph about how sad she was when Kurt Cobain died.

In April 1994, the singer was only 12 years old when she learned that Kurt Cobain had died. She thought back:

“I remember that it was a school day.” It was a normal day, the sun was out, and the kids were running around the house. Then it became news. I was crying and watching in shock because I felt it so badly. “In Utero” was my first record, and Nirvana were my favorite band ever.”

Amy Connected To Cobain Through Pain

Amy Lee went on to say more about how she felt at the time:

I felt like I had just grown in love, but he was already dead.” It shocked me so much, but it made me dig deeper into the music and start reading the words from the point of view of someone who was crying out in pain.

She Found A Voice In ‘Heart-Shaped Box’

Lee told Forbes in 2021 that the song “Heart-Shaped Box” by Nirvana really spoke to her. The big rock made her feel like she was part of a group, even though she was young. What she said:

It’s hard for me to say if I would have said I was part of a group when it comes to rock because I wasn’t out in it. I was a kid by myself. I was too young to go to real shows, and if I had been, there wouldn’t have been any in Arkansas [laughs]. I remember feeling like someone got me. The last time I felt that way, I thought someone else could put into words what I couldn’t. This is because you feel like some things about yourself aren’t shown to other people. That’s how I felt when I heard “Heart-Shaped Box.””

She was 13 years old when she watched the music video for it at a friend’s house on MTV. It made her feel something. She couldn’t stop listening to the song and played it over and over again. It helped her to understand because it had dark themes. She became interested in alternative and rock music in the 1990s because of this song.

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