Geddy Lee: Why Zeppelin Wasn’t Just Heavy Metal

geddy lee

When you think of iconic rock bands, Led Zeppelin and Rush are often at the top of the list. For fans and critics alike, the comparison between these two legendary bands is almost unavoidable. With their intricate musicianship and dynamic performances, Rush has often been likened to “Canadian Zeppelin.”

But did you know that Geddy Lee, the bassist and vocalist of Rush, never saw Led Zeppelin as a heavy metal band? Here’s why.

Geddy Lee’s Early Zeppelin Experience

Geddy Lee’s admiration for Led Zeppelin goes back to his early days. He vividly recalls the first time he saw them live. “That wasn’t the first time I saw them, that was August 18th, 1969,” Lee reminisced in an interview with Classic Rock.

He and his bandmates, John Rutsey and Alex Lifeson, waited in line for hours to get into the show. “When they finally took the stage, it was like they floated out. By the end of the night, plaster was falling from the ceiling,” he said, marveling at their electrifying performance.

Beyond the Heavy Metal Label

While Led Zeppelin’s thunderous riffs and high-energy shows certainly influenced the development of heavy metal, Lee believes their music was much more complex. “The phrase ‘heavy metal’ never suited Zeppelin,” he explained.

“They were so much more than a heavy metal band.” For Lee, Zeppelin’s music was a blend of various influences and styles that went beyond the confines of a single genre.

Led Zeppelin’s ability to defy categorization was a significant factor in their influence. “They took chances that other heavy metal bands wouldn’t even think of,” Lee added. This spirit of experimentation and their willingness to incorporate diverse influences made Led Zeppelin stand out in the rock scene.

The Timeless Appeal of Zeppelin

When it comes to picking a favorite Led Zeppelin track, Lee finds it challenging to choose just one. “If I had to pick one song… it’s got to be Stairway to Heaven, obviously,” he said. However, he also loves When the Levee Breaks and Black Dog.

For Lee, these tracks exemplify the band’s ability to blend heavy rock with other musical elements seamlessly.

Why It Matters

The idea that Led Zeppelin transcended the heavy metal label is essential for understanding their impact on rock music. Their innovative approach to songwriting and performance paved the way for numerous genres and inspired countless musicians, including Rush. For Geddy Lee, Led Zeppelin’s legacy lies in their ability to break barriers and redefine rock music’s possibilities.

So, next time you listen to Led Zeppelin, remember that their music isn’t just about heavy riffs and powerful solos. It’s about pushing boundaries and exploring new musical landscapes—something that resonates deeply with Geddy Lee and countless other fans around the world.


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