When Lennon Called Mick Jaggers “A Joke”

lennon and jaggers

The legendary rivalry between The Beatles and The Rolling Stones remains one of the most iconic in rock history. While both bands dominated the ’60s music scene, they were often compared and set against each other by fans and the media alike. However, this tension wasn’t just an outside narrative—John Lennon, known for his direct and often controversial remarks, didn’t hesitate to stir things up himself in a 1970 interview with Rolling Stone magazine.

 Lennon’s Criticism of Jagger

During the interview, which came shortly after The Beatles’ breakup, Lennon didn’t hold back when discussing Mick Jagger and The Rolling Stones.

He infamously remarked, “I think Mick’s a joke… I think he’s always been a joke.” But that wasn’t the end of it. Lennon accused The Rolling Stones of repeatedly imitating The Beatles, particularly during their more experimental phases.

According to Lennon, The Stones were constantly following The Beatles’ lead, stating, “Every f***ing thing we did, Mick does exactly the same. He imitates us.” This comment revealed not only Lennon’s frustrations but also the underlying sense of competition he felt between the two bands.

 The Media-Driven Rivalry

Lennon’s outburst wasn’t just a one-off incident. For years, fans and the press had fueled the rivalry between The Beatles and The Rolling Stones. Despite this, members of both bands had been supportive of each other in the past. John Lennon and Paul McCartney even helped The Rolling Stones early on by writing their 1963 hit, “I Wanna Be Your Man.”

However, as both groups achieved massive success, comparisons between them only intensified. The Beatles were typically seen as the clean-cut, pop-friendly band, while The Stones embraced a grittier, rebellious image. Despite these contrasting personas, their musical styles began to overlap, especially as they both ventured into more experimental territory in the late ’60s.

Lennon’s biting comments, though harsh, reflected the competitive drive that pushed both bands to continually innovate. While Jagger acknowledged the rivalry in interviews, he often downplayed it, even joking about the “unspoken competition” between the two groups. It was less about personal animosity and more about creative rivalry.

 A Complex Relationship

Despite the occasional jabs, the relationship between the two bands wasn’t purely antagonistic. In fact, Lennon and Jagger were seen together at numerous events, and The Rolling Stones expressed admiration for The Beatles’ trailblazing role in rock music. Keith Richards, in particular, has spoken about how albums like Rubber Soul and Revolver inspired The Stones to evolve their sound.

But the rivalry wasn’t just musical—it was also personal. Lennon, known for his sharp tongue and rebellious attitude, was never one to filter his thoughts, while Jagger, though equally charismatic, tended to be more diplomatic. This contrast in their public personas fed into the narrative of competition, making the rivalry between the two bands all the more captivating.

 The Legacy of Lennon vs. Jagger

Lennon’s comments in 1970 didn’t leave any lasting damage between the two groups. In fact, Mick Jagger later mentioned in interviews that despite their differences, The Beatles and The Stones always shared mutual respect. Over time, what was once perceived as a bitter rivalry evolved into a legacy of influence and admiration between two of rock’s most groundbreaking bands.

While the competitive tension between Lennon and Jagger was real, it ultimately drove both bands to push creative boundaries. Lennon’s cutting remarks only underscored the natural rivalry that often exists between artists at the top of their game. Despite the comparisons, both The Beatles and The Rolling Stones created their own unique legacies in rock history.


The Lennon vs. Jagger feud is just one chapter in the larger story of The Beatles and The Rolling Stones’ intertwined history. While Lennon’s sharp words added fuel to the rivalry, both bands respected each other’s contributions to rock music. In many ways, their competition fueled innovation, and today, they stand as titans of an era when rock ‘n’ roll changed the world.

Ultimately, Lennon’s comments highlighted the dynamic relationship between two iconic bands that, despite their differences, reshaped the future of music.

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