David Coverdale’s Greatest Regret After Offending Robert Plant

David Coverdale

Feuds have been a common feature of rock history, with bands and performers arguing over a variety of concerns. One such ongoing feud occurred between David Coverdale, the leader of Whitesnake, and Robert Plant, the former vocalist of Led Zeppelin. This dispute stems from the former’s cooperation with Jimmy Page on the album ‘Coverdale-Page,’ and it has left both musicians at odds with each other, with Coverdale deeply regretting insulting Plant.

While critics were divided on Coverdale and Page’s collaborative effort, it wasn’t simply the press that opposed it. Page’s former bandmate, Robert Plant, openly stated his dissatisfaction, sparking a conflict that would last for years.

Plant referred to the partnership as ‘David Cover-version,’ meaning that Coverdale lacked originality and sincerity. In a 1998 interview, the frontman attacked David’s ethics and accused him of mimicking other musicians. Plant contended that such imitation could be acceptable for a new band like Whitesnake. However, Coverdale’s lack of originality was unacceptable at that point in his career.

Not one to back down, David Coverdale responded to the singer’s claims. In an angry response, Coverdale made scathing statements, implying a profound hostility between the two musicians. His declaration that he wouldn’t even send Plant cat food if he was hungry demonstrated the ferocity of the enmity.

However, in a 2013 interview with TeamRock Radio’s Classic Rock Magazine Show, the Whitesnake vocalist extended an olive branch to Plant. He apologized for the nasty remarks he made during the rivalry. He expressed his genuine wish to make amends, noting that he admired Plant as a person and an artist.

During the same interview, David Coverdale asked Jimmy Page to send his profound regrets to Robert Plant. He admitted that his prior comments had been defensive and expressed disappointment in himself for engaging in unpleasant confrontations. David underlined his respect for Plant and indicated a desire to repair their connection.

Here’s how Coverdale expressed his regret:

My final words to Jimmy in London were, ‘I’d love to buy Robert a drink.'” I responded, ‘When you speak with him, please accept my heartfelt apologies for any negative remarks I’ve ever made, which were primarily defensive.’ I hold him [Plant] in the highest regard as a human being and an artist, and I genuinely want to sit down, buy him a drink, shake hands, and say, ‘I’m truly sorry,’ and ‘Can we be friends again?’

[Out of] my love and respect for Jimmy, I know he’ll pass that on to Robert — and Robert may go and tell him to [expletive] himself, who knows, but I don’t hold any ill will, just disappointment in myself for taking the bait and running with some unpleasant things. Because that is inappropriate for someone I greatly admire.”

Despite Coverdale’s efforts to reach out and seek reconciliation, news of the two rock icons making amends has yet to make headlines. They have not resolved their relationship, and the feud continues to cast a shadow over their common history.

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