David Lee Roth Disses Sammy Hagar In His New Song

David Lee Roth

David Lee Roth is dissing his bandmates once more.

He titled a new video on YouTube ‘Where Is David Lee Roth Director’s Cut’?In what appears to be a new song. The Van Halen rocker criticizes Sammy Hagar in the lyrics, citing their ongoing feud. The song’s lyrics are as follows. “Sammy Hagar’s not the same. You can drop that singer from the extreme. But no matter where you walk around / There’s a little David everyone.

The History of David Lee Roth With Dissing

Throughout their careers, Hagar and Roth have had a feud. It was with Roth making comments about Hagar being sex-probed’. And Hagar also refused to invite Roth on tour. In addition to their beef, Roth also aimed at both Hagar and Wolfgang Van Halen. Following his latest feud with Wolfgang Van Halen, in which Wolfgang accused the singer of not paying attention to him on stage during their joint tour, Hagar has addressed Roth’s comments, and the rocker has remained silent on his diss to Wolfgang.

Why the diss to WVH? Hagar claims it’s jealousy, “Look if you think about what he said, do you sense a tinge of jealousy in there or something? Does he feel like he’s left out or something?

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