John Bonham once explained the difference between Led Zeppelin and The Beatles

John Bonham

Led Zeppelin’s rise to fame as the most exciting band in the late 1960s caused The Beatles to lose their position. This was the reason why the two bands often come up together. Due to their immense popularity, the two have a unique place in music history. They also shattered the Liverpudlian group’s 1973 record for the highest-ever concert attendance. John Bonham, the drummer for Led Zeppelin, asserts that the bands were very different.

Even though both bands’ sounds may be different, Bonham claimed that Led Zeppelin came from a time when musicians were very different from The Beatles during their peak. The main reason for this was that, above all, listeners preferred to take in the music rather than attend concerts to be in awe of the artistic marvels on display.

In 1970, Bonham appeared with Led Zeppelin frontman Robert Plant on the BBC’s current affairs programme, Nationwide. There he made some very insightful remarks. They were in the studio to speak after the two took home multiple awards from Melody Maker poll. They won “Best UK Group” and “Best International Group” at the awards. Plant also won “Best UK Singer,” dealing another blow to The Beatles’ reputation. Not content with that, Led Zeppelin II from 1969 was chosen as the “Best UK Album”.

Naturally, Wellings tried to compare Led Zeppelin and The Beatles. But he couldn’t help but belittle the two long-haired performers who came before him. Even after hearing every possible version of The Beatles’ 1965 hit song “Yesterday,” Wellings insisted he was able to hum the melody. He asserted, though, that he was unable to do the same for any of Led Zeppelin’s compositions.

He asked the group if they expected the same attention as the Fab Four, being seen as “inventive”. That’s when Bonham, showing some real insight, silenced Wellings’ claims. He emphasized the shifting perceptions of listeners. He credited their success to fans valuing their music beyond mere commercial appeal.

John Bonham attributed award changes to music and kids evolving. Interesting enough, an orchestra is playing “Whole Lotta Love” on a previously released single. The lead vocal’s role is played by the flute.

Wellings questioned Bonham about his assertion that his generation was “more sophisticated” than his and that their fans didn’t want to whistle or hum their songs. Once more, he deflected this idea by explaining how Led Zeppelin and The Beatles were from very different eras.

“Well, no, not in that sense,” he clarified. Considering the variety of people that attend concerts these days, I believe that the general public is there to listen to what you’re playing rather than just to take in your appearance. We’ve spoken about The Beatles a few times. So I mean, I remember going back a few years and seeing them for the first time just to look at them. You particularly did not show interest in the music you were listening to, and now it doesn’t really matter. What matters is what you’re playing.

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