Kirk Hammett Picks His Favorite Queen Song


During a recent interview with Total Guitar, Kirk Hammett of Metallica revealed an unexpected choice for his favorite Queen song.

Many people assume Metallica’s version of ‘Stone Cold Crazy‘ is Hammett’s favorite song from Queen’s vast catalog, but his true favorite is from the 1980 album ‘The Game.‘ The band created the song to get people dancing at a Munich disco they frequented.

Hammett explained his choice, saying, “‘Dragon Attack.’ Urgh! I adore that song! Brian’s guitar sounds much more saturated on that song than on others. It’s as if he walked over to his fucking tone booth and simply turned it up to 11.

Hammett Expressed Admiration For Brian May of Queen

The guitarist continued, praising Brian May’s guitar work, “Brian May has such a broad reach. He resembles David Gilmour. Both of those guys have such a wide range. They can play extremely well, just like beauty! Or, man, they can just f*cking make you cry with their guitar solos, and David Gilmour and Brian May have an incredible sense of melody.

The Making Of ‘Dragon Attack’

May also discussed ‘Dragon Attack‘ with Total Guitar. The musician said, “It has such an amazing feel. We were in that funk place, but this one has a real rock-funk vibe. Again, it started very spontaneously, with me playing alongside Deacy. To be honest, it was probably Deacy’s riff rather than mine. But I grabbed hold of it and transformed it into the song that it is. It came out of spontaneity, and I believe it came from a desire to play the music that inspired us when we went to the rock disco after work in Munich every night.

May also explained that he created ‘Dragon Attack’ to fit the club’s vibe and get everyone excited and dancing. The song has a simple, open style and focuses on the riff from the bass, drums, and guitar. ‘Dragon Attack’ became a favorite at live shows from 1980 to 1985.

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