Paul McCartney Picks The Best Beatles Song

Paul McCartney

On the most recent episode of his podcast McCartney: A Life in Lyrics, Paul McCartney named his favorite Beatles song.

Some people may be surprised to learn which Beatles song is best for musicians. The singer-songwriter said, “I‘m often asked what my favorite song I’ve ever written is, and I don’t ever really want to answer it, but if pushed, I would go to ‘Here, There and Everywhere.’

He went on to explain how Fred Astaire influenced the creation of the 1966 track from the band’s ‘Revolver‘ album, saying, “The way [‘Cheek to Cheek’] resolves up its tail, I always found wonderful.” And I believe someone said I do it in [‘Here, There, and Everywhere’].

How Paul McCartney Wrote The Song

McCartney enjoys how one sentence flows into the next, such as when he sings, ‘Nobody can deny that there’s something there / Running my hands through her hair.’ The singer also revealed that he wrote the song while waiting for John Lennon to wake up one day.

He explained, “I’d go to his house for a writing session, but he wasn’t always awake. So I’d often have 20 or 30 minutes while someone told him I was there before he got up. I remember sitting by his swimming pool at his home in Weybridge, a golf suburb of London. I brought my guitar because I was prepared for the writing session. So we sat out and started something…it just went quite nicely and smoothly. So by the time I came to write with John, by the time he deemed to get up and have his coffee, I would have something to go on.

But the rocker wasn’t sure where the song’s lyrics would lead. He said that while writing lyrics, they need to support the song’s melody rather than being the focus.

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