The band Eddie Van Halen claimed had the best musicians

Eddie Van Halen

Impressing Eddie Van Halen was no easy feat, requiring more than just the skills of a novice guitar player. Given his exceptional guitar skills, no one could escape his scrutiny by merely playing a few power chords and relying on luck. Eddie had a deep appreciation for the nuanced aspects of music.  In his opinion, Toto was the epitome of a perfect band.

Then again, being a member of Toto is not something that happens by chance. While their appearance may not have been the most visually appealing and their songs may not have always been mainstream hits, their records are truly exceptional for those who appreciate production and the art of making music.

In addition to bandleader Steve Lukather, the inclusion of artists like Jeff Pocaro on the drums ensured that the timing of their records was always impeccable. A significant portion of the band had established themselves as session musicians prior to forming the group. Their experience contributing to the production of Steely Dan records indicates they were familiar with high standards of excellence.

Eddie Van Halen may have been acquainted with Lukather as a friend. However, their collaboration became limited to a single occasion when ‘The King of Pop‘ required a solo. Although Eddie’s iconic solo on ‘Beat It‘ by Michael Jackson is widely recognized, it’s worth noting that Toto served as the backing band for the entire record. This collaboration likely contributes to the exceptional quality of the rhythm parts as well.

Eddie regarded Toto as the ultimate band for any musician to join. He expressed his admiration for their exceptional tightness in an interview with Lukather Guitar FTPM. You, David Paich, the Porcaros. Rest in peace, Jeff – they were truly exceptional musicians, perhaps the finest in any band. Your team achieved an impressive feat by winning eight Grammys in a single year! Why did the press give you such a hard time?

Despite Toto’s impressive musical abilities that surpassed many other bands, not everyone was a fan of their polished production. Given the prevailing trend of hair metal bands favoring polished production and the impending rise of alternative music, it seemed unlikely that the band responsible for the hit song ‘Rosanna‘ would become the next big sensation.

Recognize good playing, and it’s high time Toto receives the recognition they deserve. While their lyrics may not be groundbreaking, Toto IV showcases their songs in a way that maintains their polished sound. Even their more cheesy tracks have a charm that makes them endearing.

It’s refreshing to witness the band’s lightheartedness regarding their position in history. They performed Weezer’s ‘Hash Pipe‘ in response to the band covering ‘Africa‘. It can be quite challenging to establish yourself as a pop star. However, when it comes to rock music, having the endorsement of one of the most legendary guitarists can definitely give you a boost.

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