The classic songwriter Keith Richards called “too contrived”

Keith Richards

Keith Richards was never one to shy away from expressing his feelings. Over the years, the outspoken guitarist has expressed both admiration and contempt for innumerable musicians. As the lunatic leading rock legends The Rolling Stones, Richards’ musical thoughts hold high value, alongside Mick Jagger’s., During the 1980s, Dartford Axeman targeted a particular legendary artist.

By the 1980s, The Rolling Stones had largely established the rock establishment that they aimed to demolish in their early years. Once adolescent misfits gave voice to the young rebellion of the 1960s, the group had evolved into multi-millionaires living in excess. They now performed to adoring fans across the globe.

To many, the reality of the Stones‘ transformation from young misfits to colossal figures of rock was disappointing. As Jeffrey Lewis so eloquently put it, “The Stones in ’65 want total satisfaction, kid. But The Stones in ’69 see grace in just getting what you need, and if that’s a victory, then I’d hate to see what I’d look like defeated.”

One side effect of being praised as a rock music elder is worth noting. At this point, the Stones emerged as elders in the 1980s, although they just released a new studio album the previous year – and the band members frequently requested to share their thoughts on contemporary musical trends. For years, music journalists have used this trope to support new, up-and-coming musicians by praising someone older and more prominent. On the other hand, it allows famously egocentric performers to disparage one another, as the Stones frequently did.

Richards has targeted everyone from Duran Duran to the whole rap and hip-hop industry throughout the years. The guitarist throws shade at newer music in interviews, often comparing other bands to The Rolling Stones. During an interview in 1988, the guitarist chastised a well-known and beloved artist, calling him “too contrived“. Interestingly, given their common passion for blues rock, Richards was talking about none other than Bruce Springsteen.

Mick Jagger previously spoke about Springsteen, adding, “I liked it. I thought the band sounded great, and I felt he did as well. […] I also took the kids. To be honest, the kids didn’t like it.”

Keith Richards shares similarities with the Jagger children, despite his tumultuous connection with Mick Jagger. He once stated, “I like the guy…”I adore his attitude. I love what he wants to do. I just think he’s gone at it the wrong way”. Before eventually affirming that the ‘Born to Run‘ singer is, “Too manufactured for me. “Too exaggerated.”

Despite his feelings about Springsteen, Richards performed with him several times. He is said to get along well with the New Jersey-born songwriter. Nonetheless, Richards launched another attack on him. He wrote in his biography Life, “If there was anything better around, he’d still be working the bars of New Jersey.”

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