The drummer Lars Ulrich called “incredibly technically gifted”

lars ulrich

Lars Ulrich of Metallica has consistently been open about his musical influences. In recognizing drumming excellence, he honors a wide range of musicians who have had a significant impact on his musical development. Ulrich’s inspirations include iconic figures such as Led Zeppelin’s John Bonham. But he also admires the legendary prowess of late Rush star Neil Peart, among others.

In truth, Metallica’s drummer has always been open about his gratitude to the Rush icon. The one who inspired him musically and provided advice when he needed it the most. What made Peart such a beloved master of the art was his comprehensive knowledge of his craft, which he freely shared with the younger generation.

Lars Ulrich was devastated by Peart’s death. It prompted him to write an emotional post on social media upon learning of the news. “Thank you for what you did for drummers all over the world with your passion, your approach, your principles, and your unwavering commitment to the instrument“. He wrote in an email.

Ulrich first met Peart in 1984, when Metallica’s manager, who had previously managed Rush, pulled some strings and gave him Peart’s phone number so they could talk about drumming. Ulrich mustered the courage to call “the God of Gods,” as he put it. And they talked “for about half an hour about Tama drums.”

Ulrich also recalled, “I had drum questions about gear and this and that.” He says, ‘Neil enjoys talking to younger drummers.’ Then he says, “Call Neil.” He wants to hear from you. And it was like, ‘Huh?!’ I was 20 years old, with no pot to piss in. […] The whole thing felt like a fairy tale. You can’t play drums and not love Neil. You can’t be grateful and respectful.”

However, when it came to his ultimate drumming hero, Ulrich chose a different musician. Ulrich told Howard Stern that the battle between Peart and Bonham was “fucking hard.” Listen, I have been asked that question on and off for 40 years. I would include two more names on that list. Deep Purple’s Ian Paice is an incredibly technically gifted drummer. Phil Rudd is what gives AC/DC that incredible bounce and swing.”

“You mentioned, ‘When The Levee Breaks’. That’s classic Bonham. The drums are large, thunderous, and ambient. He’s a little behind with the snare. And it has that groove. He’s in the pocket,” he added, before concluding. “No disrespect to Neil [Peart] or John [Bonham], but I’ll have to go with John Bonham.”

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