The genre that Robert Plant said makes him feel “so enriched”

Robert Plant

Even though people frequently refer to Led Zeppelin as a rock band and their sound definitely has rock elements, it seems unfair to limit them to only producing music of that genre. Led Zeppelin created their distinctive sound by fusing elements of different cultures and styles from around the globe into the rock genre, making them stand out to a large number of listeners.

Take their song “Dancing Days,” which Jimmy Page and Robert Plant found inspiration for during a trip to Bombay. They heard an Indian song on it. They were struck by how lovely the melody was, so much so that it stuck in their heads. The track was so full of joy and light, with such an addictive arrangement, that the two felt compelled to create their own song around it.

The band named the song “Dancing Days” because they ran outside and began dancing to it as soon as it finished. This is just one instance in a long line of instances where foreign music has impacted the band. It has done so even after they started somewhat solo careers.

North African music had a significant influence on Plant’s early solo career. It helped to shape the sound and rhythm he aimed to achieve. He liked to break away from the conventional rock music approach. He also had a favourite kind of music he heard in North Africa.

Speaking of the sound’s attraction and the fact that most of the percussion is performed with the hands. He remarked, “It helps get rid of the whole rock four-on-the-floor rhythm, which I liked.” It drives you out of that reality. Even so, playing them has severely broken my thumbbone.

Robert Plant became enthralled with the music when he heard it on his frequent trips to Morocco. However, he also became a little less inclined to listen when Western music began to intrude into the mix. “I’m hearing Coldplay’s chord progressions in Marrakech right now. “I’m trying to avoid the Coldplay chord progressions that I hear in Marrakech right now. But Berber music intrigues me and I find it fascinating why.” Why would hearing it make me feel so full? Is it possible for me to try and incorporate it into something that is a part of the band, of me, and of everything?

Robert Plant listened to a wide variety of sounds. This also makes sense since these sounds were essential to what made Led Zeppelin so amazing. His career after Led Zeppelin broke up was the product of many influences and one musical instrument. Once he went solo, he could explore all of the different genres that suited him and lean into them when making new music.

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