The Song Stevie Nicks Wrote About Her Impossible Love With Mick Fleetwood

Stevie Nicks

Various songs have been dedicated to love, as the theme has been extensively explored throughout music history. While most songs celebrate the beauty of love by emphasizing how beautiful it is, the reality may be slightly different. After all, one of the fundamental purposes of music is to romanticize our memories and emotions. Stevie Nicks also wrote the song about her impossible love.

As a result, some songs have portrayed love in a more harsher light, inspired by breakups and tragic stories of unattainable love affairs. These tunes frequently lack the uplifting and joyful melodies of generic love songs, yet they might be considered more realistic in their portrayal of love.

Stevie Nicks, on the other hand, was passionate that her song could be wonderful while also embracing the reality of an unattainable love. The singer believed that love was amazing, yet understanding and communicating that wonder may be difficult. Nonetheless, her passionate affection for her bandmate Mick Fleetwood would never lead to a romantic relationship. This provided her with the essential inspiration.

The Song Stevie Nicks Dedicated To Her Impossible Love

Stevie Nicks had several romances over her career, the most well-known being with Lindsey Buckingham. The duo had joined Fleetwood Mac together and had a natural bond. However, the couple split up after being recruited into the band, causing a lot of drama.

They both expressed their emotions via music, and many of the songs on Fleetwood Mac’s ‘Rumours‘ album reflect how the musicians felt during this time. Stevie Nicks has frequently admitted to writing multiple songs after her breakup with Lindsey Buckingham. However her song about an impossible love affair was not about her past.

Mick Fleetwood was the bandmate she had desperate feelings for. The frontwoman had a crush on Mick. They had a few flings, but difficult reasons kept them apart. In a 2009 interview with Entertainment Weekly, Stevie discussed her connection with Mick. She revealed that she wrote the song ‘Beauty and the Beast‘ for him.

It was definitely about Mick, but it’s also based on the 1946 Jean Cocteau movie,” Stevie explained, adding that her sentiments for the band’s founder also influenced the song. “I first saw it on TV one night when Mick and I were first together, and I always thought of Mick as being sort of ‘Beauty and the Beast-esque,’ because he’s so tall and he had beautiful coats down to here and clothes made by little fairies up the attic.”

She went on to say, “I’ve always thought he was that character in many respects. It also matched our tale, as Mick and I could never be. A. Mick’s marriage and subsequent divorce were not good for Fleetwood Mac.

For Stevie, the myth of ‘Beauty and the Beast‘ represented her insurmountable love for Mick Fleetwood. If she dated Mick, she knew it would complicate everything for both Fleetwood Mac and her ex-boyfriend Lindsey. It didn’t help that Mick finally fell for Nick’s best friend, Sara. So it appears that Stevie felt the best thing she could do was create a song about her love and move on.

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