The songwriter who inspired Paul McCartney most of all

Paul McCartney

It’s difficult to come up with a songwriter as active and significant as Paul McCartney. McCartney’s lyrical contributions to some of the most well-known songs of the 1960s and beyond have cemented his place in history.

Along with John Lennon, the songwriting powerhouse duo wrote most of the hits for The Beatles. Paul McCartney has written over a thousand songs, with hundreds more likely hidden in his catalog.

One of the most important songwriters of all time, McCartney’s genuine melody and constantly changing style have served him well throughout his tenure with The Beatles, as well as in his solo endeavors and subsequent band Wings. Some of McCartney’s most amazing songs are “Let It Be,” “Blackbird,” “Live And Let Die,” and “Yesterday.”

But who could motivate such a gifted songwriter? Who in all possible circumstances could have an impact on one of history’s most influential writers? Paul McCartney’s response is quite straightforward: Bob Dylan.

As part of a campaign called “My Inspiration,” HMV asked music legends about their influences. When talking about his inspirations, Paul McCartney chose Bob Dylan, particularly praising the song ‘She Belongs To Me.’

McCartney casually acknowledged Dylan’s greatness, saying, “Bob Dylan has written some fantastic stuff.” During the same era but in different musical realms, The Beatles admired Dylan. While The Beatles became incredibly famous as mainstream stars, Dylan remained enigmatic and elusive despite his growing fame.

The Fab Four finally had the opportunity to meet the folk legend in 1964. He served as our hero. We had a wild party the night we met, and it was a great honor to meet him. Recalling the encounter, McCartney said, “I felt like I had found the meaning of life that night.”

John Lennon and the band shared a newfound admiration for Dylan, their experiences mirroring his 1964 Paris introduction. A French DJ gave Paul the record, “The Freewheelin’ Bob Dylan.” While in Paris, we played it nonstop for three weeks. About Dylan, we all lost our minds.

The Beatles and Bob Dylan’s relationship would later become highly tense due to a combination of admiration, plagiarism accusations, and disparate approaches to celebrity. Dylan famously said, “What is this?,” accusing the band of copying him after hearing “Norwegian Wood.” Bob, it’s me. I’m being done by [John]! I invented it, but even Sonny & Cher are doing me, fucking hell.”

Despite their differences, Dylan’s influence never lost its hold on McCartney. His affection for the folk musician remained unwavering in 1965 when Dylan’s album Bringing It All Back Home, which included the song “She Belongs With Me,” was released.

More than 40 years later, when HMV inquired about his greatest inspiration, McCartney still singled out this Dylan track. McCartney appreciates the lyrics, especially the line, “She’s an artist, she don’t look back.”

Dylan reciprocated the respect and admiration, acknowledging that he knew The Beatles, led by McCartney, were indicating the direction that music needed to take.

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