The war of words between Robert Plant and Don Henley

Robert Plant abd Don Henley

Although Robert Plant is generally known for his friendly demeanor as a veteran of rock music, he can be quite sharp-tongued when he chooses to be. The former member of Led Zeppelin is typically quite agreeable and fairly open in his storytelling. However, if he disagrees with something, he will firmly express his opinion. Don Henley, a member of the Eagles, has firsthand experience with Plant’s more caustic nature.

Plant has consistently demonstrated a profound understanding of his craft, showcasing a remarkable ability to capture the essence of his subjects. Naturally, this pertains to his impressive tenure as the lead singer of Led Zeppelin for 12 years. After the tragic loss of their beloved drummer, John Bonham, the band made the difficult decision to disband.

Although frontman and guitarist Jimmy Page reunited with Robert Plant in the 1990s to form the duo Page and Plant, Led Zeppelin has only reunited on a few rare occasions since their breakup. In December 2007, there was a significant event called the Ahmet Ertegun Tribute Concert at London’s O2 Arena. Jason Bonham, the son of the late Bonham, once again showcased his drumming skills in his father’s stead. Since that memorable moment, however, Led Zeppelin has consistently declined requests to reunite. Page indicated that there would be further performances following the 2007 show, but Plant ultimately had a change of heart.

Plant has frequently been questioned about the possibility of a Led Zeppelin reunion, and he expressed his dissatisfaction with the subject during an interview with Rolling Stone in 2014. The lead singer expressed his support for Page and Jones to carry on as Led Zeppelin with a new vocalist. He mentioned that they were even practicing for this possibility before things came to a stop.

With the impending release of a series of super deluxe versions of Led Zeppelin albums, the topic of the band reuniting resurfaced, much to the singer’s annoyance. He not only dismissed the idea, but also criticized other acts from his generation that have either reformed or, even worse, continued.

You’re returning to the familiar routine,” he remarked. A tour would have been a chaotic mix of conflicting agendas and a prime example of everything negative about mainstream stadium rock. We found ourselves amidst a bustling crowd that seemed to engulf us. I am not a mere jukebox!

Continuing, Plant sarcastically remarked about his peers who had transformed later in life. “Good luck to them,” he said mockingly. I wish them a truly captivating and delightful late middle age. It seems unlikely that they are.

The interview wasn’t over yet! Plant saved his grand finale for the very end, standing up to leave. Realizing he had overlooked something crucial, he swiftly reversed course. He brought up the Eagles, sharing his candid thoughts on their lucrative concert tours. He asked: “Have you ever wondered why the Eagles went against all odds and decided to reunite, even after saying they would only do so ‘when hell freezes over’? And not only did they reunite, but they continue to tour to this day.” It’s not because they were compensated generously. It’s not solely about the financial aspect. And it’s likely because they’re feeling uninterested or lacking stimulation. I’m not feeling bored.

It seems that Plant has managed to maintain his creative evolution even after his time with Led Zeppelin. However, Don Henley, a member of the Eagles, had some strong words for him. He confidently stated that the Californian group kept touring out of pure enjoyment. Subtly, he suggested that Plant may be hesitant to reunite with the ‘Stairway to Heaven‘ group if he couldn’t reach the same high notes as before.

According to Henley’s statement to the New Zealand Herald, boredom is not a part of their life. We genuinely find pleasure in doing it. He confidently stated that undoubtedly, it requires effort for individuals of their age. But it’s a remarkable profession and a wonderful means of earning a livelihood. Additionally, he mentioned that it allows them to explore the globe while being accompanied by their loved ones.

Although he openly expressed his longing for the reunion of what he considers one of the most legendary bands ever, Henley’s last comment was quite cutting. He mentioned that Robert Plant might be concerned about reaching those high notes. He might struggle with unbuttoning his shirt now.

  1. Don Henley is able to reach the high notes of his youth, it seems, by miming to recordings.

    1. I have heard some of Don’s more recent singing and he has definitely the songs down a tone or two compared with say the songs on “The End of the Innocence”.

      That said both Henley and Plant are legends and can do whatever they want with their songs.

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