When Robert Plant Considered Kicking John Paul Jones Out Of Led Zeppelin

robert plant

There are many wild and incredible stories behind the most iconic rock acts, particularly about the frequent lineup changes that occur in the music industry. In some cases, band members do not want to work out together, or the artists choose to pursue other career paths, and unfortunately, members die, necessitating lineup changes.

Choosing to work with new people is often a big decision for bands because it can drastically change a band’s sound and success. It is nearly impossible for a band to remain together for years with no lineup changes since its inception, but Led Zeppelin is an exception. Though they are not known for changing members, Robert Plant did consider replacing John Paul Jones with another bassist.

Why Did Robert Plant Want To Replace John Paul Jones?

Fans will always remember John Paul Jones for his iconic bass lines and contributions to the Led Zeppelin sound. He was able to bring a distinct musicality to the band thanks to his multi-instrumental ability. He remained with Led Zeppelin until the band disbanded in 1980, but he did consider leaving once.

By 1973, after five albums and constant touring, Jones wanted to take a break from the band to spend more time with his family. Then Peter Grant, the band’s manager, persuaded him to return. Jones eventually stayed with the group for another seven years.

Around this time, Robert Plant considered removing John Paul Jones from Led Zeppelin and replacing him with another bassist. In her 2016 memoir, ‘Living Like a Runaway,’ The Runaways’ lead guitarist Lita Ford revealed that Robert Plant attended one of their shows. The singer invited her to replace John Paul Jones as Led Zeppelin’s new bassist. Ford couldn’t believe what she heard, but she thought Plant was serious about his invitation.

Lita Ford stated the following in her memoir:

“He asked if I could play bass.” ‘For whom?’ I asked. Led Zeppelin. He could have been drinking or pulling my leg, but he appeared to be dead serious in the moment.”

Ford also discussed Robert Plant’s offer during a 2013 interview with Brave Words. The bassist enthusiastically accepted the singer’s offer but did not pursue it further. She didn’t push it because John Paul Jones is one of her favourite bassists. She couldn’t imagine herself filling Jones’ shoes. Even so, Ford thought it was pretty cool of Robert Plant to consider including a female musician in Led Zeppelin.

Regarding Robert Plant’s offer, Ford stated:

“They visited the Starwood. The Starwood is no longer there, but they went upstairs and returned to the dressing room. They shook everyone’s hands, and a large crowd gathered around us as we snapped photos. We gave them a Runaways t-shirt, which they put on. And Robert Plant tells me, ‘You’re really good on guitar. Would you like to play bass with Led Zeppelin?’

He was completely serious! I thought, ‘Yeah, right.’ I brushed it off as a joke, but I don’t believe he was joking. And I replied, ‘Yeah, sure, right,’ and left it at that, I did not even try to pursue that one. I adore John Paul Jones. He’s one of my favourite bassists. I could not imagine myself replacing him. But the fact that they considered including a female in their band struck me as pretty cool.”

Given what John Paul Jones was going through at the time, it’s possible that the other band members were looking for a new bassist. Robert Plant was probably serious about his offer to Lita Ford, but it did not come true because Jones chose to stay with the band.

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