Why did Sammy Hagar refuse to sing David Lee Roth songs in Van Halen?

Sammy Hagar

The band set off on an entirely new chapter when Sammy Hagar replaced Van Halen on vocals. It was one in which they achieved numerous number-one hits and went on to establish themselves as one of the most influential musical groups in the industry. It was a sound they had to perfect and make more approachable, but it was never simple. The guitar playing was unmatched by anything currently being produced. The rhythms were quick, and the style of music was chaotic.

Still, Sammy Hagar was able to blend in perfectly with the sound. He joined the band right away, and they went on to have some of their biggest crowds and number-one hits throughout their career. How did he do it? Hagar’s unique approach to music and his easygoing demeanour towards being a member of the band are what really stick out when listening to interviews where he discusses playing in the band.

Undoubtedly, Hagar was an avid admirer of Van Halen prior to his involvement. He previously acknowledged that Eddie’s guitar style served as an inspiration to him. However, that didn’t mean he wanted to sound exactly like their previous frontman, David Lee Roth, when he took over as singer. Hagar was adamant that he would only stay in the band if he could be unquestionably himself at all times. This meant he had to write songs and not perform any of David Lee Roth’s earlier hits.

Speaking about joining the group, he stated, “What I brought to Van Halen was just who and what I am. It was Sammy Hagar, who and what I was at that moment, but very inspired by Eddie Van Halen’s musicianship… He gave me the idea to write songs. Songs that make you goosebumps

Under Hagar’s direction, the group began penning a variety of songs, but they were hits with the listeners. The band retained only two old Van Halen songs in the set:You Really Got Me and “Jump.” Being a huge fan of The Kinks, Hagar was happy to give in on these songs. When it came to playing “Jump,” he would invite a performer from the audience to come forward.

Sammy Hagar blended in with the group easily because he didn’t worry about joining an established band. He didn’t take himself too seriously because he was a Van Halen fan and happy to be there. He wanted that to come through in the music.

Looking back on his time in the band, Hagar remarked, “A lot of the time, I was clowning around because Eddie and I were always goofing off so much. Eddie and I used to do these crazy acrobatics where I would sing crazy lines and he would go crazy on the guitar. It was all about having fun when I was in Van Halen, at least in the beginning.

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