Zeppelin’s Infamous Fight That Nearly Tore Them Apart


Led Zeppelin stands as a prime example of musical synergy. Each member was a master of their craft, but what truly made them legendary was how seamlessly they played together.

Their ability to elevate each other’s skills without overshadowing one another solidified their status as one of the greatest rock bands in history.

From the moment they first played as a group, it was obvious that Zeppelin had tapped into something extraordinary.

Jimmy Page brought a mix of hard rock and acoustic styles to the table, and though blending these genres could have posed a challenge, the band clicked instantly. They managed to create magic together.

John Paul Jones vividly remembered their very first jam in a cramped basement room on Gerrard Street in what is now Chinatown.

“There was just wall-to-wall amplifiers, and a space for the door – and that was it. Literally, it was everyone looking at each other – ‘What shall we play?’” he recalled.

The band chose an old Yardbirds tune, “Train Kept a Rollin’,” and Jones said, “The whole room just exploded.”

Yet, despite their musical harmony, the members weren’t immune to occasional tensions.

The band’s bond was like that of a close-knit family, and, as with any family, arguments were inevitable. Most disagreements were quickly resolved, but one nearly ended in disaster.

During their first tour of Japan, drummer John Bonham gave in to his wild side.

Known for his offstage antics, Bonham took things to the next level by using a samurai sword to destroy his hotel room, surpassing the typical rock star TV-throwing behavior.

But the real drama came the night before their first show in Japan. Bonham confronted Robert Plant over £30 he was owed for petrol.

With the show looming, Plant told Bonham he’d pay him later, but that wasn’t good enough for Bonham. Frustrated, he punched Plant in the face.

The altercation resulted in Plant performing that night with a busted lip, though fortunately, it didn’t impact his singing.

When asked about the fight later, Bonham dismissed it as harmless, like a spat between brothers.

“Robert and I have known each other for so long that there’s never any maliciousness in these fights,” he said. “We just lose our tempers sometimes.”

The press, eager for a story, pounced on the incident, trying to stir up rumors about the band’s future.

However, Plant swiftly shut them down. “It’s really none of your fucking business,” he told them. “It’s just between me and Bonzo.”

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