Dee Snider: I Wrote Twisted Sister’s “Stay Hungry” In 45 Minutes

Dee Snider

Dee Snider discloses that he came up with Twisted Sister’s legendary “Stay Hungry” album in just 45 minutes. He explained this composition streamed as opening a “creativity faucet.”

Twisted Sister, a well-known figure from the 1980s rock realm, didn’t achieve instant fame. It took them 12 years to reach stardom, which finally happened with the release of their 1984 album “Stay Hungry”. The album features timeless songs like  “We’re Not Gonna Take It” and “I Wanna Rock” which ultimately surged them to the top. This album achieved record-breaking sales.

During a conversation with Vintage Rock Pod, Dee revealed that he nearly composed the first draft of the album in less than an hour. He said, “I’d have my song names, grab my handheld recorder, and draw inspiration straight from a title. In fact, for our most successful album, ‘Stay Hungry,’ I sat down while my son was napping, and my wife went grocery shopping. I used this short window to let the ideas flow and by the time she returned, almost the entire album was drafted.”

However, there was one song, “The Price,” that stood out as an exception. Dee Snider wittily noted that he penned it in the bathroom of Jimmy Page during a separate recording session.

Discussing their influential music videos for “We’re Not Gonna Take It” and “I Wanna Rock,” Dee attributed them as pioneers in the field. The original video idea came from Dee himself, and when the Atlantic Records executive showed reluctance, Dee’s then-manager, Phil Carson, supported him.

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