Geddy Lee confronted Alex Lifeson after being Kicked Out of Rush

Geddy Lee

Geddy Lee recently revealed a backstory about his dismissal from the band. He included a confrontation with bandmate Alex Lifeson, on NPR’s World Cafe. Contrary to popular belief, Rush went through multiple lineup changes in their early years, even though their lineup remained unchanged from the mid-1970s until their disbandment in 2015. The lineup of Lee, Lifeson, John Rutsey, and Lindy Young changed in May 1969. Lee claimed that Young, who later became his brother-in-law, informed him that the group had disbanded. This was not entirely correct. Lee was the one who was fired from the band.

Years later, Lee purportedly invited Lifeson to his home under the guise of interviewing him for his book. During their usual friendly banter, Lee directly asked Lifeson about his role in Lee’s dismissal from Rush, saying, “I asked (Lifeson) to come over to my house because I wanted to interview him for my book.” So we’re having our usual laughs and joking around because we have that kind of friendship. I just handed it to him. ‘So, Al, when I was kicked out of the band, who was the real motivator here? Ray, was it the new manager? Was that John? And how did you feel about it all? ‘Did you stand up for me?'”

Geddy Lee went on to say that he did not receive a strong response, “He was looking down at the ground. ‘Well, you remember me back then, Ged. I was just the guy who went along with everything. And John had such a strong personality,’ which he did. I believe Al simply went with the flow. And he didn’t have a good reason or an excuse.”

Geddy Lee Called Those Who Played A Role In His Firing ‘Chickenshit’

Geddy Lee retaliated against those involved in his dismissal from Rush. In November, he discussed his dismissal from his band in greater detail on the Rolling Music Now podcast. In 1969, the unsigned Rush included Alex Lifeson, keyboardist Lindy Young, drummer John Rutsey, and Lee himself, until Lee was suddenly fired.

Lee explained in the podcast that he wrote about this in his memoir, ‘My Effin’ Life,’ and that he wrote about it in his memoir, ‘My Effin’ Life. “Whoever had the idea, the way they all went about it was deceptive and, frankly, chickenshit, and I was shocked and hurt.” Still, I didn’t want to sit around feeling sorry for myself, so I told myself, “Fuck them,” and resolved to form my band. I’ve always imagined myself as a mousy kid, blowing in the wind and following the crowd, but the mysteries revealed while traveling back in time to write this book are, well, revelatory!”

He went on to describe his approach following his dismissal, viewing his success as a form of revenge. He went on to say, “I couldn’t have been completely will-o’-the-wisp, or I wouldn’t have had the chutzpah to keep going.” Music was everything to me, and despite my ostensible lack of confidence, I instinctively knew that I had to take control of my destiny, if only in the hope that success would be a kind of revenge.”

Rush’s Comeback

After being fired, Geddy Lee formed another band and was later invited back. He also knew who fired him. Lee targeted someone involved in his firing of Classic Rock’s Rush Fan Pack in 2012. Ray Danniels, the band’s new manager at the time, reportedly drove the decision to fire Lee.

Lee explained it this way, “So he (Ray Danniels) started directing the band, and for whatever reason he thought I wasn’t suitable.” I’m not sure if it was my appearance or my religious background – who the fuck knew? Anyway, he moved them and they agreed, Alex Lifeson and John Rutsey, and I was out. They evicted me.”

Lee formed a new band after being fired from the previous one, and they performed in small venues. But then he got the invitation that would later form Rush. And he continued, “I started a blues band and, to be honest, I was doing better than they were.” Then I received a call from John, who asked, ‘Can we get together?’ He’s asking, “Can you come back?” We apologize.’ They had to go through whatever they did. We tried again, and that’s when the band got started. We formed a three-piece and were all heading in the same direction.”

And that’s how Rush was founded.

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