Steven Tyler’s Aerosmith Song About Child Abuse And Incest

Steven Tyler

For a variety of reasons, numerous individuals call Aerosmith the Boston Bad Boys. A major factor in their infamous reputation was the recognition of two of its most famous members, Joe Perry and Steven Tyler, as the “Toxic Twins.” These two musicians had a fairly busy private life that generated controversy in addition to their well-known drug addiction. Despite releasing numerous chart-topping singles and innovative albums, their notoriety stemmed from their controversial decisions.

When the band released “Pump,” the lead single from the album, in 1989, their sound and theme began to take a darker turn. Compared to their earlier songs, this one has a darker theme. Lead singer Steven Tyler intended to bring attention to two tragic social issues: child abuse and incest. Despite the song’s success showing that his intention was successful, some people were taken aback by Tyler’s past dealings with these topics.

Steven Tyler Wanted To Draw Awareness To Child Abuse And Incest

For the 1989 album “Pump,” Steven Tyler and Tom Hamilton wrote “Janie’s Got a Gun.” Because it addressed sensitive subjects like rape, incest, and child abuse, the song had a profound effect on society. The band originally included triggering words like ‘rape‘ in the song, but they later removed them to make it more suitable for radio airplay. In the song, a young girl murders her father in retaliation for his mistreating her.

Steven Tyler clarified that the purpose of writing a song like this was to raise awareness about taboo topics like incest and child abuse. He says that many children go through these terrible events and are abused by adults, even their parents sometimes. But because they don’t fully understand what’s happening, they remain silent. This circumstance impacts their mental health, which later manifests as personal issues.

Steven Tyler provided the following explanation of the song’s inspiration:

I became very upset that no one was honoring those who suffered from parental abuse.

In Aerosmith’s autobiography, he said:

“That song tells the story of a father who rapes and plunders his daughter. It’s about incest, which is something that many children experience and are unaware of. They realize it when attempting to cope with some really serious neuroses.

Tyler’s name was once associated with those things, even though the song achieved high chart positions in numerous countries. Some commended him for taking the initiative to raise awareness. Julia Holcomb, a groupie, claims that Tyler forced her to have an abortion when she was a minor, adopted her, and impregnated her. Paradoxically, the rock musician did all of those things himself and wanted to write a song about what he opposed.

The song “Janie’s Got a Gun” is available for listening below.







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