When Geddy Lee was almost kicked out of Rush

Geddy Lee

Every excellent rock and roll band is typically defined by the chemistry between all of its members. While it’s easy to believe that one person is the most important component of a group while everyone else observes from the sidelines, it takes all of the pieces. This transformation is necessary to turn a competent musical performance into one of the world’s biggest bands. Each Rush member contributed to the band’s progressive status, yet Geddy Lee was unlikely to be initially involved. His initial inclusion may not have seemed evident given the band’s early dynamics.

Before Neil Peart joined, Rush’s common bond had always been Lee and Alex Lifeson. Before forming a band, the two closest friends met in school and bonded over their quirky sense of humor. When one of Lifeson’s bandmates called out sick from a gig, Lee was persuaded to bring his bass along for the show, and magic happened.

The band formed with their original drummer, John Rutsey, to play a stadium-sized take on blues rock. Their favorite bands, such as Led Zeppelin and Humble Pie, influenced them. While Lee had to do double duty as lead singer and bass player, one fateful day nearly cost him his place in the band.

After hiring manager Ray Danniels, Lee noticed the trio becoming distant. Lifeson eventually announced that they would no longer be making music together. Lee assumed the band was parting ways for real. They surprised him by rehearsing with someone else without notifying him.

Geddy Lee remembered that Rutsey decided to fire him in the first place. In “My Effin’ Life,” he stated, “Ray had offered to manage them but made it clear he didn’t think I was right for the band.” However, it is vital to note that it was not his original idea. Fifty years later, the truth about my departure finally emerged: it was Rutsey’s doing. John actively pushed for my replacement, wanting to remake the band’s image, according to Alex. John wanted someone hipper, whatever that meant.

Rutsey wanted to be a member of a meat-and-potatoes rock and roll band and had no interest in exploring any aspects of progressive music. This was in contrast to Lee and Lifeson, for whom progressive music was soon becoming the main force. Facing complications from juvenile diabetes, John Rutsey had to leave the band, paving the way for Neil Peart to join. His addition provided an intellectual edge to their lyrics and cemented his status as one of the best drummers of all time.

Even though Geddy Lee would become one of the driving elements behind the band’s melodic side, critics continued to attack the group. They did so primarily due to his voice. Throughout the band’s glory years, many doubters would point to Lee’s squawky voice as the main reason they didn’t like them. They often compared him to Mickey Mouse on helium and a hamster with a blowtorch up its ass.

On the other hand, Lee progressed from being a member of one of the world’s most uncool bands. He became a progressive rock hero responsible for some of the most forward-thinking rock songs of the 1970s and after. In its early days, Lee may not have appeared as the best choice for the band. However, his voice and bass playing have become indelible parts of rock and roll history.

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