Who Did Mick Jagger Seek Advice to become a better performer?

Mick Jagger

The 1960s are recognized as the decade in which rock ‘n’ roll began to gain global traction. The Beatles, Beach Boys, Who, Led Zeppelin, Doors, and many other legendary bands reached the pinnacle of their careers during those years. The Rolling Stones were a major player in the 1960s scene. Their music deeply influenced the entire rock era that followed them, and many of their songs and live performances reveal how the era inspired them in turn.

The mid-1960s are regarded by many as the Rolling Stones’ classic period. With so many legendary names in the rock scene, Mick Jagger, the band’s frontman, naturally wanted to improve his performance. Seeking advice from his agent Tito Burns, he did just that in 1968. The story of Mick Jagger and Jim Morrison’s encounter started when his agent advised him to go see the Doors perform live.

Who Did Mick Jagger Ask For Help To Perform Better?

When Jagger was looking for inspiration for his big American concert in 1968, agent Tito Burns suggested that he watch the Doors perform live. The frontman of The Rolling Stones promptly scheduled a flight to Los Angeles, went to The Doors’ office, and made a request to talk with Jim Morrison. Morrison was at that time lodging in a motel in Los Angeles. When Jagger arrived, he and Morrison had a discussion. Jagger had traveled there.

Jagger asked the Doors frontman for tips on how to put on the amazing show he had always wanted to during their talk. Frank Lisciandro, a close friend of Jim Morrison and Ray Manzarek, recounted this conversation in Stephen Davis’ 2001 book, Jim Morrison: Life, Death, Legend. He disclosed that during the discussion, Jagger inquired about Morrison’s meditation practice before performances, to which the singer replied negatively.

Jim Morrison then inquired about Brian Jones’s well-being, noting that he was not feeling well at the time. Jim responded negatively when Mick asked if he was familiar with Beat Generation author William Burroughs. The two ultimately decided to assess the live performances of that era. He observed that they laughed together and thought the concerts of those days were ostentatious and over the top.

Lisciandro continued, “The two names that found themselves right in the middle of the rock scene were a little shy about it, but that didn’t stop them from doing what they did.” He stated that it was clear the two musicians appreciated each other’s talent.

According to Frank Lisciandro’s notes, Jim Morrison and Mick Jagger had the following exchange:

They laughed together, noting the exaggeration of everything. Their childhood surrounded by movie stars and cowboy heroes made them surprised to find themselves in the spotlight. Although they were in complete control, they both seemed somewhat childishly shy about it. Additionally, it was clear that they respected each other’s abilities.

Mick Jagger surely did the American concert justice, as well as hundreds more after this speech. That same year, however, The Doors delivered the historic Hollywood Bowl performance. The encounter between the two legendary figures has remained a beautiful anecdote in rock history. It’s unclear whether Jagger found the inspiration he wanted for his big performance from Morrison.

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