The hated Robert Plant song he wrote as a joke

Robert Plant

The most creative individuals are never content to live in a box. Even if they can write a song in a certain genre really well, it gets monotonous to try to follow the same formula and create something even better than the hit you already had. Robert Plant never liked to stagnate, whether he was with Led Zeppelin or on his own. However, he acknowledged that with “Too Loud” on Shaken N’ Stirred, he might have taken on a bit too much.

In contrast to Led Zeppelin, Plant would always have the unfortunate responsibility of having to work alone. When Plant went solo for the first time after earning the nickname “The Golden God,” many people took notice. They assumed he would be just as talented as his former group, even though Jimmy Page had a supergroup with Paul Rodgers called The Firm.

Plant didn’t think it was possible for anyone to handle that kind of pressure. Many of his best performances, both as a solo artist and with Band of Joy, came from purposefully straying from Zeppelin’s signature sound. Even with the folksy take, there were still hints of blues throughout. Almost as if Zeppelin’s third album version had grown into a full band.

But by Shaken N’ Stirred, Plant had moved on from that chapter of his career. After he completed that section, the most popular sounds of the day were those of new wave bands. They used the foundations of rock and roll to add dance textures to everything.

Plant acknowledged that he wasn’t taking his attempt at creating that kind of new wave too seriously. He could lay down a groove with Zeppelin, but he recognized the difference in approach with his solo work. He felt that “Too Loud” had a slightly humorous undertone. “I did a track on Shaken’ n’ Stirred called ‘Too Loud,’ and I got some of Bette Midler’s girls to help me with some choruses and stuff,” he said. Basically, David Byrne had a big impact on me. It’s a funny song that is meant to be funny, and it’s very funny.

When the fans eventually heard it on the radio, they didn’t take it that way. This felt like him trying and failing to become a new-wave rockstar. It was almost like he was shooting for Devo and ended up closer to a middle-aged man trying to fumble his way through the hip new sounds of what kids are listening to these days. This was in contrast to the strutting rock and roll badass that had started it all back in the 1970s.

Plant’s career should have collapsed in this kind of mode, if anything, but that didn’t happen. His later work with Jimmy Page on the Page and Plant records felt like the fans were getting a taste of what the older Zeppelin might have sounded like if John Bonham had not died. Despite this, Plant still had to climb back up the ladder.

Plant eventually tried his hand at recording bluegrass records with Alison Krauss on “Raising Sand.” This endeavor proved that he wasn’t afraid to try new things. Although it’s almost comforting that Plant can explore new avenues and see where they lead, fans are more than willing to point out to him when he’s in over his head.

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